Collection Development Policy

Collection Development Policy

 Acquisitions Policy: A collection development policy guides Library staff in their ongoing efforts to build and maintain a relevant collection of materials in multiple formats, tailored to support the educational programs offered by the College. The Library staff make acquisition decisions based on a variety of sources, including, but not limited to: publisher catalogs; reviews in CHOICE, Library Journal, Doody's, and other publications relevant to the college’s programs of study; peer library collection comparisons; course syllabi; inclusion on core collection and “best book”- type lists. In addition, Library staff will base their selections on the following parameters: recommendation by faculty or students, enduring value, authoritativeness, timeliness, price and value, quality and stability of the format, and circulation statistics.

Donations Policy: Book donations are accepted at any time. Once material has been gifted to the Library, the items are considered fully owned by the Library. Any decisions regarding a gifted item's storage, donation, or de-selection are at the Librarian's discretion.

Policy on challenges to intellectual freedom: The BSC Library affirms the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights and the Individual’s Freedom to Read. Collection development decisions are made solely on the basis of the merit of the work and its relevance to the Library's collection--not on the approval of the community at large. The Library recognizes that materials might be considered controversial or offensive by some individuals, but maintains that only individuals can determine what is appropriate for their own needs.

De-selection Policy:  Items that meet any of the following criteria are subject to withdrawal from the Library's collection: the item contains inaccurate information; the item is in poor physical condition; a newer edition of the item is available; the item is of no historical value; the item has not been circulated in the last ten years. Items weeded from the collection are not automatically replaced; cost, demand for that title or subject, and availability of more quality materials will all determine whether or not an item is replaced.