Service Learning Trip Set for Kingston, Jamaica

For the third consecutive year, Bay State College will be offering an international Service Learning adventure for interested students in 2015. After much consideration this year’s trip has officially been scheduled for Summer Term 1 in Kingston, Jamaica!
A change from previous years, this trip will be part of a 5 week course, Contemporary Problems: Study Abroad 1 & 2, and students will receive credit for taking part. Week one of the course will take place on Bay State College campus preparing for departure. Students will then spend three weeks in Jamaica based at the University of West Indes, Mona Campus. This immersion period will include two weeks of classroom experience and one week of cultural tours. The students will spend the fifth week of the course back at Bay Sate, debriefing on what they learned.
“We’re still in the early stages of planning the trip,” says course organizer and Criminal Justice Department Chair, Dr. William Morrissette. “We have the destination and the basic outline, and we want to get the word out as soon as possible. It’s an amazing opportunity for students looking to expand their horizons a bit.”
Interested in this opportunity and looking for next steps? Reach out to Dr. William Morrissette at to figure out if it fits into your schedule and if you’re eligible through financial aid.
We will be sharing any additional information as soon as we get it.