
Posted by Diann Lloyd-Dennis

Your Career Path Begins NOW

By Diann Lloyd-Dennis on August 4, 2016

According to Forbes, only 29% of college students use their school's career office, even though employers say it's the single easiest and most impactful thing a student can do to ensure they find a good job when they graduate. At Bay State College, we make it easy (and fun!) to work with the career office. Here are some things you can look forward to in the fall.

Top 5 Tips for Career Fair Success

By Diann Lloyd-Dennis on March 31, 2014

It’s that time of year again! Seniors are preparing to graduate and land their first post-college jobs, and current students are lining up their internships for the summer and next academic year. Career fairs are a great place to network and get in front of the right people, but if you haven’t been to one before, it’s hard to know what to expect.  Here are some of our top tips for career fair success.