Bay State College Ranked by U.S. News and World Report for Best Online Education Programs

Offering degrees in Management, Criminal Justice and Business Administration completely online, Bay State College has made huge strides since their launch of the programs just 3 years ago.
U.S. News based its standings on factors that included faculty credentials and training, academic and support services for students, applicants’ GPAs and other admissions criterion, program reputation, technologies, student satisfaction, and graduation rates. To be eligible for the U.S. News 2014 rankings, programs had to offer 100 percent of their courses online.
“We are very proud that our online programs have received recognition from U.S News as we’re committed to excellence and continuing to grow in the online learning space,” said Craig Pfannenstiehl, President of Bay State College. “To that end, we’re adding more online degree programs while increasing the level of service. We know that as students’ lives get busier, our online programs can help make earning a degree much more convenient.”
With so many colleges expanding into distance learning, it is an honor for the College to be included on this list.
For more information on the rankings, please click here: