Bay State College Radio - 5 Years in the Making

The first push for the creation of a Bay State College radio station was about five years ago with a small group of students, including Jorge Pinilla (Assistant General Manager at Bay State College Radio). Though they had the idea, they didn’t have much experience or guidance on how to make it possible. After a couple of meetings the group ended up disbanding, but the idea did stick with some of the students and the Entertainment Management faculty.
In the spring semester of 2011, Steve Theo (Faculty Advisor for BSCR) joined the Bay State College staff and James Cross (General Manager at BSCR) enrolled in the Audio Engineering program that fall. Steve has had experience in radio promotion at his company Pirate! Promotions and as an on air host at WFNX. James is the loud rock director at WGDR Plainfield. With both of their combined efforts and their radio experience to back it up, they were able to get support from the Entertainment Management department to make BSCR possible.
Bay State College Radio launched on February 14th, 2014 as a web based station that is on the air 24-7.
Bay State College Radio isn’t just for the people that work under it, but it will also allow all Bay State College students, staff and organizations to get involved as well. Every student, staff, and organization will have a chance to sign up through the website to host their own show on BSCR. The station will work with groups that want to promote their meetings, fundraisers and events by creating PSAs with interested parties, and is also encouraging people to submit their own music (, so it can be considered for the rotation. To find out more, visit
Though this just the beginning in a hopefully long history for the station, the current staff is ready to leave their mark and let the school enjoy something that will keep growing.
Steve Theo –Faculty Advisor
James Cross – senior – General Manager
Jorge Pinilla- – junior – Assistant G.M.
Lauren Tavella – sophomore – Music Director
Masha Lukashenko – junior – Program Director
Luke Nagel – sophomore – Operations/Production Manager
Jamie Boccia – sophomore – Production Assistant
Nick Cassie – freshman – Operations Assistant
Phillipe Duarte – junior – Marketing