6 Tips for Students Returning to College

The road to a college degree has many different paths. Many of our students at Bay State College, at some point in their lives, have taken some time off from their academic journey or decided it was time to switch directions. Because of this, we understand how to make the process go smoothly. Here are some of our best tips:
- Expect to see similar students with similar goals, like yourself, in your classes. You are not alone in considering college after working for several years. A large percentage of Bay State College students are non-traditional students. For all the work that college requires, most of them love it.
- Roll those credits: Make the most of any college credit you’ve already earned, even if it’s been years since you attended a college class. Share your transcript with the admissions office to see what will carry over. You might be able to also get course credit for work experience in a field related to the degree program you’re pursuing. Also consider a program such as CLEP, College-Level Examination Program, which lets you test out of and sometimes earn credit for certain college courses.
- Have a support system in place. Identify who you can count on for moral support. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and your goals. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
- Create balance in your life. You have multiple demands on your time and doing well in college takes time. Eliminate unnecessary commitments, and get in the habit of learning something new every day.
- Consider financial aid. The first step is to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Our Financial Aid office provides personal assistance for federal and state financial aid as well as scholarships . Check with a financial aid advisor for application procedures and, most importantly, deadlines so you don't miss out on valuable opportunities.
- Realize how much you already know. The prior experience and knowledge you bring, as an returning adult student, will benefit your college experience. Before starting college, think about the type of work that appeals to you and why. Remember, college is not just for 18-to-22- year- olds. In fact, the best students often have real world experience and younger students enjoy sharing the classroom with them.