
Posted in March 2014

Top 5 Tips for Career Fair Success

By Diann Lloyd-Dennis on March 31, 2014

It’s that time of year again! Seniors are preparing to graduate and land their first post-college jobs, and current students are lining up their internships for the summer and next academic year. Career fairs are a great place to network and get in front of the right people, but if you haven’t been to one before, it’s hard to know what to expect.  Here are some of our top tips for career fair success. 

Service Learning Trip to London - Final Recap


Our Service Learning group is back from London and is checking in one more time with their final recap.  The trip may be over, but their work is not complete.  The students will now document their research so other Bay State Criminal Justice students can learn from their studies overseas.

Taunton Student Success - Melissa Baker


The moment Melissa Baker was accepted to the Bay State College Medical Assisting program, she knew she had a call she wanted to make.

“Guess what!?” she said to her parents. “You finally have a daughter in college!”

And as important as that phone call was to her, the most important thing to Melissa was to prove to herself that she could accomplish her goals. 

Professor William Morrissette Checks in From London

Dr. William Morrissette, Department Chair of the Criminal Justice Program, and a group of Bay State College Criminal Justice students are currently on a Service Learning trip in London where they are researching foreign justice systems.  Professor Morrissette sent us his thoughts on their first several days.