
Posted in January 2014

A Lesson on Lie Detection in the Workplace


As a former Polygraph Examiner and Counter-Intelligence Interrogator for the CIA Security Division, Dr. William Morrissette is often called upon to speak on the topic.  But why are corporations looking into this type of training? According to Dr. Morrissette, there could be multiple reasons.

Bay State College Emphasizes Professional Readiness Score in Career-Focused Curriculum

In the past several years, Bay State College has taken its reputation as a career-focused college to a new level.  In addition to receiving grades for their coursework, Bay State College students have been given a Professional Readiness grade that is meant to determine how prepared they are to enter the workforce.

The Spot Boston


A college education from Bay State is all about getting students hands-on experience in their desired field.  The Spot Boston, Bay State College's student-run event venue, gives Entertainment Management students the chance to put on real events with all of the responsibilities that go along with it.