An essential part of our vision at Bay State is to provide students not only with a first-rate education, but with the skills and qualifications necessary to secure competitive jobs at the country’s largest and most successful corporations. We love to hear about where our alumni end up, and in this blog post we’d like to share some of their recent successes with you.
Encore – (n) a demand, as by applause, for a repetition of a song, act, etc., by the performers, as at the end of a concert, recital, etc. A second act.
In the past several years, Bay State College has taken its reputation as a career-focused college to a new level. In addition to receiving grades for their coursework, Bay State College students have been given a Professional Readiness grade that is meant to determine how prepared they are to enter the workforce.
Our New Years Resolution? To feature more of our student stories. First up is Steven Laubach, a current Entertainment Management student who has a full plate attending class and working in the industry. Read on for a bit of our interview with Steven.
From The J. Geils Band to Pink, Entertainment Management graduate Tom R. has worked with some exciting names in the entertainment industry. Thinking about getting a degree in Entertainment Management? Tom has some words of advice!