My Bay State Internship Series

Internships are often the turning point for students. They are provided with hands-on experience and spend real time working in their chosen field. These experiences prove invaluable as they prepare students for applying for their first positions out of school. Bay State College's central location gives students access to internships at some incredibly unique companies and organizations, where they will do more than just work in their field of study; they will build working relationships with people in their desired industry.

My Bay State Internship: Rockin' It at Red 13

Name: David Duhart
Program: Entertainment Management, Audio Production Concentration
Internship: Red 13 Studios

In a twist of fate, David was hired to work at Red 13 Studios. Now, after two semesters, he's become a crucial part of the studio team. Read his story here.



My Bay State Internship: No Place Like Boston Home

Name: Kristina Florio
Program: PTA
Internship: The Boston Home

Kristina thrived when working with patients at The Boston Home. Read about the internship process in the PTA program, and how it worked out for Kristina, here.


My Bay State Internship: The Kennedy Crusader

Name: Jeffrey Luck
Program: Criminal Justice
Internship: Edward M. Kennedy Institute

In Spring 2017, Jeffrey interned at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute, where he helped visitors "become a Senator for a day". Read more about his duties and experiences as an intern here.


My Bay State Internship: Festival Fever

Name: Emily Benoit
Program: Entertainment Management
Internship: Six Chair Productions

Over the summer, Emily interned at Six Chair Productions, a festival development and production company responsible for Festival at the Farm in Canton, MA. Learn more about her internship experience here.