Accessing the Portal

  1. Go to My Bay State.
  2. Use your Bay State College email username and password to log in. This will be your first name, period, last name. For example, John Doe, the username would be john.doe. If you do not know your password, try using your initials and date of birth. For example, if John Doe was born January 1, 1973, the password would be jd01011973. Once you have logged onto the Portal you can change your password under My Profile>Change Password.
  3. Click here to view a how-to video on logging onto the Portal and an overview of what you can do with it.
    Click here to view a how-to video on registering for your courses using the Portal.


If you have any problems logging onto the Portal, please contact Helpdesk at or call us at (617) 217-9122.