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Ray F.

Alumni, Entertainment Mgt.

Teachers here don’t just teach—almost all of them are working in a field that their students want to be in.

If you’re stuck choosing between two great opportunities, what do you do?  If you’re Ray F., you buckle down and go for both.

Ray had set his sights on a career in radio and TV even before he heard of Bay State.  But the college and its B.A. in Entertainment Management more than met his expectations.  “Bay State’s one of the only schools in the Boston area that offers a degree in what I wanted to do—programming management,” he recalls. “And, the program was very affordable.”

For Ray, Bay State’s location and size were big bonuses as well. “I loved going to school in downtown Boston,” he says. “I also liked the smaller class sizes, because I was able to get more out of it and my teachers were very accessible.  It all paid off.” 

In Ray’s senior year, a school internship at Boston’s WHDH-TV turned into a job opening—but on the overnight shift at the station’s news assignment desk.  Ray didn’t hesitate. “Five days a week, I worked there from 11:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. and then came right to school for classes all day,” he says.  “It was tough.”

Today, Ray is a Bay State graduate and a news assignment editor at WHDH but is modest about his accomplishments.  “All of the students at Bay State know they’re going to have to grind and work hard to reach they want to do,” he says.  “They take it very seriously.”