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Pam G.

Faculty, English

Our faculty members are just more interested in sharing ideas, applying the best teaching strategies, and being as positive as we can for our students.

Even after teaching English at Bay State for 24 years, Pam G. still gets excited when the “light bulb moment” happens for one of her students.  “You just want to see that light go on and hear the ‘Oh!’  That’s what I wait for,” she smiles.  “That just happened yesterday where I had this whole class ‘get it’ all at once—that was very rewarding!”

For Pam, teaching is much more than just instruction; it’s about “having a classroom feel connected.”  As she explains, “Bay State students are really wonderful, committed people from very different backgrounds. A good number of them have had to overcome obstacles in order to be here.  My challenge is to take what we’re learning and help them connect it to their lives.  I just pick up on the waves in a class and go with it.”

This sense of discovery reaches beyond the classroom to the faculty as well. “My department colleagues are true professionals who are dedicated to our students,” says Pam, “but there’s also a ton of interaction.  We share strategies and sit in on each other’s classes.  This definitely creates a better learning experience for our students.”   

“Our priority is our students—that’s what makes Bay State a great place for me.  That’s really who we’re here for.”