Tips For Parents
Want some advice on how to support your student? Here are some tips to get you started!
Encourage Your Student To Start Strong
- Encourage your student to make grades a top priority. Students should start with the highest grade point average (GPA) possible the beginning of their academic career. A GPA is difficult to bring up with unsatisfactory grades, so it is best to do well from the start!
- Encourage your student to meet with professors during office hours for extra help if needed or for career advice.
Let Your Student Make Choices
- You may want your student to study a certain major because it is perceived that they will land a job, but it is never a guarantee that a student will get a job based only on their major. Your student must develop his/her own career directions based on his/her individual interests, skills, and values. Resist urges to push your student into an area of study.
- Encourage your student to pursue something that reflects who he/she is; then the success will come.
- Encourage your student to explore different opportunities and courses early on. That way, they can ensure their major of choice is what they really want.
Help Your Student Network
- You can provide extra help to your student by providing names and contact information for anyone in your personal/professional network that may help your student in his/her field.
Support Involvement in Co-Curricular Activities
- Opportunities to demonstrate leadership ability, teamwork, time management, and other career-related skills will help your student prepare for the world of work. These "soft" skills are highly sought after by employers.
- Encourage your student to seek out volunteer opportunities, both in his/her field and for general interest.
Be Patient and Encouraging
- Don't ask the dreaded question: "What are you going to do when you graduate?" This question is a "biggie" and often causes panic if it cannot be answered. Instead, encourage your student to begin to research his/her options early in their academic program. Offer to help research different areas. Be encouraging if they are getting frustrated.
- Encourage your student to follow their dreams by making choices that move this dream towards reality.
Recommend Visits to Career Services:
- You probably won't know all the answers your student may have, but we can help. We have a staff of 2 career advisors who oversee different program areas for all students and a graduate assistant who manages work study and volunteer opportunities. Students are not required to use our services but we are here to serve them all!
- If your student is feeling unsure about their major or career choice, encourage him/her to visit Career Services.