Bay State College Career Fair RSVP
Please join us for Bay State College's Annual Career Fair!
Wednesday, April 6th 2016
11:00am - 12:30pm
- set up begins @ 10:30
Bay State College
31 St. James Avenue, 2nd Floor
Boston, MA 02116
This is a great opportunity to meet potential new hires, accept resumes, and pre-screen candidates.
There is NO COST to participate and lunch will be provided to attendees.
We hope this will prove to be a valuable experience for you. Benefits of attending include:
• Meet recent graduates looking for entry-level positions,
• Meet students looking for volunteer opportunities and internships,
• Speak with faculty and program chairs & learn more about our classes and curriculum,
• Further enhance connections with our Career Services team,
• Network with other professionals in your industry!
Please fill out the form below by Wednesday, March 30th, 2016 so that we can have an accurate count of employers attending the event.
We hope you will be able to join us at Bay State College’s Annual Career Fair!
Questions? Please contact:
Diann Lloyd-Dennis